Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sach ka Saamna!!

Baring your soul can always be a tricky situation even if its to your soulmate. But to do it on a television show with an audience of a few million watching you takes real guts. The new show on Star Plus, Sach ka Saamna, is an Indian version of the American show "Moment of Truth". Like the American show it puts the contestant in such a tight spot forcing the person to reveal some of the deepest darkest secrets in his/her life. Even while watching the American version of the show I used to always wonder as to what would the motivation be behind allowing your dirty linen to be washed in public and this case it would be practically the whole country. Is it just the money? Or is it the kick of being bold in front of a audience? Sometimes I used to wonder if those people actually came there to enforce a kind of catharsis or even worse put an end to certain relationships. It cant be just the money. Even for a million dollars-and i really mean a million dollars-you could never get me to go on such a show. If I do have something to say to my loved ones it would be like Chandler says on Friends "Thats what deathbeds are for".

The next issue is the "holier than thou" syndrome that most people feel they could not have too many skeletons in the closet because they feel they've lived a clean life...HA! These are exactly the hippocrates who should be put on the show just to prove the point that there is always something that we would not want even the closest people in our lives to know. Something that we would want to take to our grave. And we feel only celebrities have skeletons and dirty linen.

When i used to watch the American show I always told my folks that such a show would never come to India because although we may be as bad as the Americans we would still want to keep things behind closed doors. So I was really surprised that not only was the show launched here but it is as hard hitting as the American one. The really sad part was to see both contestants go home with zero money in their pockets. To put it crudely if you're going to drop your pants you might as well get paid for it :) although I dont think money can be the balm for the hurt cause to friends and family.

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