Sunday, July 5, 2009

A new begining!

Today I finally succumb to the temptation of being a blogger. The thought of doing something like this has been haunting me for ages but I always thought of it as somewhat of a narcissistic thing to do. Imagine writing something for the whole world to read and actually expecting the people to read and react to what you've written. But I guess somewhere deep down I knew I wanted to do this coz I like to write and am pretty opinionated about stuff that happens in my world so this seems like a good way of letting people know how I feel. I don't know if others do it for the same reason as this but then who cares...this is my personal space and I can jolly well write what I want. So I welcome myself to the club and if anyone should read this post which is highly unlikely please forgive me coz I'm a novice at this and hopefully it'll get better with time.

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