Monday, July 6, 2009

Ode to Jackson

It seems people are still coming to terms with Michael Jackson's death. I've been reading quite a few of the well deserved tributes to the King of Pop. But what amazes me is how suddenly all the ridicule and criticism is now in the background and the greatness of the person is now in the limelight. For the past decade of so people have mocked him, accused him of various things and made him the laughing stock of the music world. Yet suddenly everything dissapears the moment he breathes his last.
Its amazing how human beings become so kind to other person after death. Even the most cruel person would get a kind word once he's dead. Wonder if this attitude should be reserved for when people are alive and can appreciate it better. Is it just human nature to long for something after we've lost it? A relationship, a friend, a spouse, relative or parent. Is it so difficult for us to say a kind word of appreciation while they're still in our lives. Maybe then we wouldnt lose them in the first place and even if we should we wouldnt feel so guilty about it.
I dont know the real story behind the facade that MJ carried through his life. All I know is that he was one of the most exciting performers of all time. One of those few artists whose music will stand the test of time and I find myself fortunate to have lived in an era which was witness to his life. The rest of the stuff is between MJ and the Creator!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the media was unkind to MJ when he was alive. As they say, there is no smoke without fire and there was and will always be speculation about the 'dark side' of the King. The person we all venerated had shocking allegations and some very, if I may say, deranged and suspicious behaviour patterns. And the media - always on the lookout for stories clung on to that. However when it comes to his musical ability there is no denying that he was ace. And at his peak, the media never denied his prowess. Because MJ shaped so much of the music in all of us, and because there are no real conclusions to his 'molestation' charges we and even the media tend to give him the benefit of doubt and rather celebrate his greatness than dismiss him as a peadophile.
